Get rid of these debilitating machines. You fully need to extract your consciousness from their paralyzing power if you seriously intend to discover any of the higher realities within yourself.
6 - Live vegetarian
Many experience more subtle insights .once they completely switch to vegetarian food.
So - give it a try. Don't eat any kind of meat or fish for two solid months. You should feel the effect 4 to 6 weeks after the switch.
Then decide whether you prefer the clarity of mind, the lightness of your body and the easiness of comprehension you now experience to the fleeting taste of meat or fish - and make your decision permanent.
But - if you go for this test - become 100% vegetarian for this time. Don't break your intent even once or for any (social) reason during this period. Otherwise you might not feel any effect.
Water only boils at 100° Celsius, - below this temperature nothing will start. Do it wholeheartedly.
7 - Be courageous - don't fear
And finally - be courageous in your quest for higher stages of development. Fear is always only acquired. And most of the time it is entirely groundless.
Sure, - any conscious confrontation with situations whose outcome is uncertain and unforeseeable may cause initial fear or apprehension. Don't be afraid of this 'initial fear' itself. Don't permit fears to run your life.
You cannot escape fear by avoiding situations you believe will produce fear. This merely directs this negative emotion towards other situations, persons or objects.
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