few of these works have been translated intelligibly into Western languages yet and even these few are often out of print. A CD is presently in preparation that will contain facsimile copies of the major original manuscripts and their existing translations into English language (available at Crosswind Publishing).
The following list contains a short selection of scriptures that deal mainly with the mechanisms of the expansion of consciousness and have been translated into English language: - Tattvarthadhigama Sutra by Sri Umaswami Acharya, Original Sanskrit Text with Introduction, Translation, Notes and Commentary in English by J.L.Jaini, Volume II of The Sacred
Books of the Jainas, Arrah, India, 1920. - Sarvartliasiddhi by Sri Pujapada,
The oldest commentary of the Tattvarthasutra, published under the title Reality by S.A.Jain, Vira Sasana Sangha, Calcutta, India, 1960. - Dravya Sangralia of Nemichandra, Original Text with Introduction, Translation, Notes etc. by S.C.Goshal, The Sacred Books of the Jainas, Arrah, India, 1917. - Gommatasara - Jiva and Karma Kanda by Sri Nemichandra Original Text with Introduction, Translation and Commentary by J.L.Jaini, Volume V and IV of The Sacred Books of the Jainas, Lucknow, India, 1927.
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