Stage 12 can only be reached from level ten. On level twelve we dissolve all karmas that produce delusion. In consequence this causes the shedding of the last karmas that still blocked knowledge and intuition and caused obstructions. We now are no more at the mercy of karmic forces, but the perfect master of our life. We will reach the ultimate freedom for sure. In stage 13 we reach omniscience (kevali). Our consciousness now encompasses the totality of knowledge.
If we have bound tirthankara-karma, we transfer our know-how from this level. Activity - yoga - is the only influence we are still subjected to. And this last bond we dissolve at our ascent to level fourteen.
Stage 14 immediately precedes ultimate freedom. Here we separate us from our last desires for limiting experiences (from all our remaining karmic bonds). Free from all fetters of the bodily level we regain full command of our great, majestic self, - immensely enriched by our experiences in the restricted, separated circumstances we voluntarily and consciously subjected ourselves to. The moment we reach ultimate freedom we again assume what was never really lost to us, - pure unrestricted consciousness. As an enlightened being (siddha) we now fully experience our inherent nature - unlimited cognition, unlimited love, unlimited knowledge, unlimited power, and timeless bliss.
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