stand that only we ourselves are responsibly for our progress, that it is only we ourselves who structure our development, and the more we succeed to really transfer this insight into action, the more new and more fascinating dimensions will open up in our life.
Stage 6 is our long desired breakthrough into tangible superior understanding. At the first unfolding of this stage, we feel an intense vividness of the present never before experienced.
With liberating clarity we recognize how severely the thoughtand emotional patterns of our past and the expectations (and dreads) we project onto the future limit our perception of the present. The immediacy with which we recognize these deep-rooted patterns enables us to fundamentally break free from their overshadowing influence.
Yet the first phase of stage 6 is not stable. We drift in and out of this state. The key to stabilizing the sixth stage of development is our decision to extricate us from our emotional attachment to limiting themes of life. If we experience once how the sixth stage feels like - even if only for a short time - we become able to reach it deliberately.
As soon as we gained sufficient stability to experience the intensity of the present - phase 1 - on a more permanent basis, and let go enough of our emotional attachment to limiting mechanisms of our material environment to perceive the world beyond the five outward senses, we enter phase 2.
In phase 2 we oscillate rapidly for some time between stage six and seven until we become comfortable enough with the far higher energies and perceptions of stage seven to proceed further.
Jain Education International
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