The chief disciples of the tirthankaras recorded their teachings in extensive works. Successive teachers wrote shorter works that communicated the knowledge in simpler language.
The sutra does not list particular scriptures, but only mentions the number of categories these works are divided into. The categories are listed in more detail in the chapter 'ANCIENT SCRIPTURES'. Here ends the part dealing with indirect knowledge. The next part describes direct knowledge.
Direct knowledge is perceived straight, without assistance of external factors or the circuitous route of our senses. We receive direct knowledge through
1 - extrasensory perception - clairvoyance and telepathy (avadli) 2 - direct perception of the consciousness of others (manal-paryaya)
or 3 - omniscience (kevali jnana).
The first two direct channels give access to only limited knowledge, while omniscience is unlimited and encompasses the entire reality. Sutra 21 to 29 describe their mechanics.
Extrasensory perception (avadhi) arises from two different causes: we either gain them by birth or by removing karmic blocks that obstruct their functioning.
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