The concept of “Rasa”
1245 (Inter-relation as Bhāva and Rasa.)
One may ask : Are the emotional states turned out from the rhetorical sentiments, or is it that the sentiments are turned out of the emotional states ? Some opine that they arise from mutual contact. But this is not so. Why? Because, it is a matter of actual perception that the rhetorical sentiments are turned out of the emotional states and not the emotional states are turned out of the sentiments.
There are traditional couplets about this.
(34) The emotional states are so known by the designers of dramatic art because they (the bhāvas) bring to the spectators (imān) an emotional awareness (bhāvayanti) of the sentiments as connected with various modes of acting or dramatic representation.
(35) Just as, by many articles of food (dravya) of various kinds, the spicy foodstuff (vyañjana : like vegetables, meat, fish) is brought to a (distinct) flavour (bhāvyate), in the same way, the emotional states bring the sentiments to the level of (actual) experience when helped by different kinds of acting (or histrionic representation : abhinaya).
(36) There can hardly be (the experience of) sentiment without the previous presentation of) an emotional state; nor can there be an emotional state which does not lead to (the experience of a sentiment). During the process of histrionic
he two (bhava and rasa) accomplish (their status and function) by (dual) interection. .
(37) As the combination of spicy food-stuffs and vegetables leads the (main) cooked food to a (distinct) relishable taste (svādutā), in the same way, the emotional states and sentiments lead each other to the distinct) level of an experience.
(38) As from a seed a tree grows, and from the tree flower and fruit, so all the sentiments stand as the root; the emotional states have their settled position for the sake of (tebhyaḥ : i.e. for the purpose of manifesting) the sentiments.
Now we will expound the origin, colours, (presiding) deities and illustrations of these Rhetorical Sentiments. The sources of origin of these (sentiments) are the four (basic) sentiments : these (are) as follows: the Erotic, the Furious, the Heroic and the Odious.
Here (the following verses occur) :
(39) The Comic Sentiment becomes possible from the Erotic, and the Pathetic from the Furious; the origin of the Marvellous (is) from the Heroic, and of the Terrible from the Odious.
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