"Concept of Rasa" as seen in Anandavardhana and...
The four parts of sattvatī are samlāpa, utthāpaka, samghatya and parivartaka.
"angāny asyās tu catvāri samllāpótthāpakāv api, sanghatyaḥ parivartaś ca
ity eṣām lakṣaṇam ucyate."
(RS. I. 263, 264 A., pp. 71, ibid).
Kaiśiki is (RS. I. 268, 269, pp. 74, ibid) :
"nṛtta-gīta-vilāsā"dimṛdu-śṛngāra-cesitaiḥ, samanvita bhaved vṛttiḥ, kaiśiki ślakṣṇa-bhūṣaṇā." "angany asyās tu catvāri narma, tat-pūrvakā ime spañja-sphotau ca garbhaś ca eṣām lakṣaṇam ucyate."
Kiaśiki is blessed with soft activities of śṛngāra and has four parts or limbs such as narma, narma-spañja, narmasphoța and narma-garbha.
narma is a-gramya-parihāsa i.e. cultured light talk for pleasing the lover. Its subvarieties are also counted. Narma-sphañja is a union which is happy in the beginning and fearsome in the end. Narma-sphota is having some portions of a feeling that suggest śṛngāra. Narma-garbha is the behaviour of the hero or the heroine for achieving oneś end.
Ārabhai vṛtti is packed with magical performances, - māyā, indrajāla, and also full of a variety of fights, cutting and splashing etc.
RS. I. 280, 281, (pp. 83, ibid)- observe :
Jain Education International
"māyéndrajāla-pracurām citra-yuddha-kriyāmayīm,
chedyair bhedyaiḥ plutair yuktām vṛttim ārabhatīm viduḥ."
anganyasyās tu catvāri samkṣiptir avapātanam,
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