"Concept of Rasa" as seen in Anandavardhana and......
1305 “nirantara-rasódgāragarba-sandarbha-nirbharāḥ giraḥ kavīnām jīvanti
na kathāmātram āśritāḥ." (Trans. K.Kris., pp. 544, ibid) :
The words of great poets come to life only - "when they contain incidents which are bubbling with sentiments : not when they merely follow the story as found in the source." We can replace the term "sentiments" for 'aesthetic rapture', for this exactly is meant by K., not just the emotive stuff. .
Thus for K., 'rasa' is the soul of 'prabandha' or a composition and is one of the aspects of vakrókti. K. thus seems to cover rasadhvani of the asamlaksya-variety also under his larger concept of 'rasa-vakrata'.
Rasa for K. is not vācya or expressed. While dealing with the problem of the alamkāras such as 'rasavat and the like, K. laughts at Udbhata's assertion that 'rasa' can be 'sva-sabda-vācya'. Under V.J. III. 11, in his vịtti, K. observes : (pp. 146, ibid) - "yad api kaiścit -
"sva-sabda-sthāyi-sancāri-vibhāvā'bhinayā” spadam” - ity anena pūrvam eva laksaņam viśeșitam, tatra sva-sabdā”spadatvam rasānām a-parigata-pūrvam asmākam. tatas ta eva rasa-sarvasva-samāhita-cetasah tat-paramā’rthavido vidvamsa evam prastavyāḥ-kim sva-sabdā”spadatvam rasānām uta rasavata iti. tatra pūrvasmin pakse-rasyanta iti rasās te sva-sabdā”spadās teșu tişthantaḥ śộngārā"dişu vartamānāḥ santas taj-jñair āsvādyante. tad idam uktam bhavati-yat sva-sabdair abhidhīyamānāḥ śrutipatham avatarantas' cetanānām carvana-camatkāram kurvanti ity anena nyāyena ghfta-pūra-prabhịtayaḥ padārthāḥ sva-sabdair abhidhīyamānās tad āsvāda-sampadam sampādayanti'ty evam sarvasya kasyacid upabhogasukhārthinas tair udara-caritair ayatnena eva tad abhidhāna-mātrād e rājya-sampat-saukhya-samrddhiḥ prapādyeta iti namas tebhyah."
s. K.Kris., pp. 432, ibid) - "Another writer has added to the afore-said definition another qualification, namely,
"And which is brought forth by its designation, the dominant emotion, the passing mood, the excitant and gesture.” (37) (Udbhața, IV. 3) -
Of these, that rasas can be evoked by their designation is something unknown to us so long. Hence these very celebrated specialists on rasa, who claim to know everything of 'rasa' might be asked these questions : Do rasas admit of being
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