'Dhvani' and other thought-currents such as guņa,......
1195 under a different label. Dhananjaya-Dhanika denounced vyañjanā in favour of 'tātparya' which as Viśvanātha ably explains is just another name of vyañjanā and thus their opposition is also having elated ego at its root. Bhoja, as we have seen has in his own way accepted dhvani under different heads and has not rejected vyañjanā either. Actually Anandavardhanaś great followers beginnin with Abhinavagupta, Mammața, Hemacandra and ending with Jagannātha kept the flag of dhvani-vyañjanā flying and the opposition to dhvani was condemned and silenced for all time
As 'rasa-dhvani' is central to the theory of dhvani we will discuss the concept of 'rasa' in detail, beginning with the next chapter.
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