trade etc. are not the means of livelihood, but only through nature, the livelihood is obtained), antaradvīpa (i.e., the islands situated in between the main continent and the ocean) and which have a life-span of innumerable years, and the sub-humans except those which have a lifespan of innumerable years can take birth
1. Subtle earth-bodied
2. Gross earth-bodied
3. Subtle water-bodied
5. Subtle fire-bodied
6. Gross fire-bodied
7. Subtle air-bodied
8. Gross air-bodied
9. Subtle vegetation-bodied
11. Two-sensed
12. Three-sensed
13. Four-sensed
15. Five-sensed sub-humans born by agglutination
In the following types of living beings, the humans and the subhumans as above and the gods belonging to the first and second heavens can take birth
2. Gross earth-bodied
4. Gross water-bodied
10. Gross vegetation-bodied
In the 14. Infernal beings-only the humans which have accomplished bio-potentials except those which belong to the akarmabhūmi, antardvipa and have life-span of innumerable years, and the five-sensed sub-humans except those which have life-span of innumerable years can take birth.
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