Consciousness is the characteristic attribute of soul. Its activity is called upayoga (i.e., cognitive activity).
It is of two types—
1. Jñāna or Sākāra Upayoga–Cognition or knowledge. 2. Darśana or Anākāra Upayoga—Intuition.
Every soul has both types of upayoga. 18. AHĀRA—APPROPRIATION OF MATERIAL OBJECTS (AS
Ahāra does not mean only food, but it includes every material object which is taken in by the soul. All the living beings from no. 1 to no. 19 appropriate the material objects (as food etc.) almost according to the following rules:
1. Ahāra from substance-point of view : Those material aggregates
(skandhas) which are made of infinite number of indivisible units (pradeśas) are appropriated. The skandhas which consist of numerable or innumerable pradeśas can not be appropriated as āhūra by the living beings.
2. Ahāra from space-point of view : Those skandhas are appropriated
which occupy innumerable space-units. 3. Ahāra from time-point of view: The skandhas of any duration,
minimum, medium or maximum can be appropriated as āhāra.
4. Ahāra from mode-point of view : The skandhas possessed of
colour, smell, taste and touch can be appropriated as āhūra. The details of colour, smell, taste and touch are as follows:
(a) Colour — The skandhas possessed of one, two, three, four
or five colours (with respect to generalised concept) can be appropriated as āhāra; (with respect to classified concept), they can be black, blue, red, yellow or white. (This statement
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