3. nārāca—Interlocking of bones on both sides (nārāca),
4. ardha-nārāca—Interlocking of bone on one side and pin on
the other (urdha-nārācu), 5. kilikā—Pin between two bones (kīlikā), 6. sevārta—Two bones bound by skin, sinews and flesh
(sevārta).' There is no bone, veins and arteries, and sinews in the protean body, so it has been described as devoid of bonejoints.
Configuration refers to the general shape of the body, its symmetry, arrangements of its parts and deformities. There are six types of samhanana
1. Samacaturasra—The most auspicious configuration.
Symmetrical body—from all sides.
2. Nyagrodha-parimandala—Symmetrical body above the navel
only. -3. Sādi—Symmetrical body below the naval only. 4. Kubja-The limbs of the body such as hands, legs, head etc.
are in order, but the chest, back, abdomen etc. are deformed; the hunch-backedness and the like.
5. Vāmana—The limbs of the body such as chest, back, abdomen
are in order, but the hands, legs, head etc. are deformed; the dwarfish and the like.
6. Hunda—The entire body is asymmetrical and ugly. The
configuration of the five immobile living beings is hunda with a typical shape.
1. Thānam, 6.30.
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