The Jaina Philosophy cheap and that would conform to the standard of the people. Instruments in America for scientific purposes are also demanded in India.
The most important article that can be introduced into India is iron and steel. The manufacturers of Belgium and Great Britain are the great competitors in matters of this kind on account of price. They are more favorable than manufacturers in other parts of the world, and that is the reason why we have up to this present time preferred to buy from them, but if the proper conditions, similar conditions are conformed to her, I do not see any reason why Americans should not open a large trade in our country.
I see that merchants in all parts of the world always buy in the home market, and there is no sentiment at all about it so far as trade is concerned.
Then there are articles made of iron; like nails and spikes, wire nails, screws, nuts and bolts, etc. and all have a ready market in India. Musical instruments also have a demand, but here ! should remark that if you are bending beautiful instruments to India the manufacturers must understand something about the requirements as to music, as our music differs from your music. Our music is not merely tom, tom, tom, it is scientific, but the manufacturer must know something about the notice.
Of course I am not here to deliver a lecture on music, or on the science of acoustics, but you will only appreciate this much, that organs are more in demand in India than pianos. The German and French organs are received in large quantities, they are cheap, and they are suitable to the people, they are portable and you see that the conditions are such before the goods in that line are introduced into India.
Now there are certain suggestions, and I will offer-two or three so that there may be an opening trade between the United
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