Some Mistakes Corrected
the old home, the old mother, and your brothers and sisters in India, the blessed.
There you will find the old hospitality, the old sweet life, and the dear old mother unchanged in her devotion and in her love, capable of recognizing you all, and in her ample lap yon shall nestle, as your progenitors did in the earlier times and the caressing and benedictions of love love love power, better than science, better than art, better than wealth because it is love which answers for the usefulness and right work of all these, and which passes understanding.
Trade relations between the United States of America and India. On behalf of my people especially the Bombay Marine Association, a society for the encouragement of commercial, industrial education in India, offer you my heartfelt thanks, for extending to us this indication from the Philadelphia Commercial Museum to participate in the deliberations of this Congress. The gentlemen who represent the Philadelphia Commercial Museum had indeed no authority, as King or Emperor, to command us to attend, but they recognize the fact that unless nations should once and for all stop that barbarous practices of war for deciding political problems of the day. Not only that, but that they could also stop the commercial warfare that is rampant in civilized countries.
Jain Education International
One of the ablest speakers of the United States said; in commerce there should be friendly rivalry, but no war." We recognize the principle that international conference in matters commercial has been a dream of philosophers, and it is highly creditable to the genius of Director W. P. Wilson, of the Philadelphia Commercial Museum, that that has been realized. It is an event unique in the history of the world, and the Philadelphians justly deserve the credit of having consummated it.
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