Some Mistakes Corrected
Dear brothers and sisters, this is the last time that, I shall appear before you in the regular programme of this great gathering. Since coming among you I have been busy, as you know, acquainting myself with your methods of thought and distinctive lines of public discussions on this free platform, and also in discussing in a limited way before select classes some of the philosophies of my own country. It is gratifying to me to find that on fair acquaintance we are not so far apart as probably many of you have been led to suppose. I have yielded to your solicitations, not without much distrust of my ability, to discus with some freedom differences in religious life and in civilization, which mark our two nations. In my last public address from this platform I was permitted to give you in a brief manner some of the impressions that I had already received respecting your great country, its people and its institutions. I confess to some surprise at myself, in venturing to give those impressions but you drew me on by your kindness and respectful consideration, and I could not resist the desire to gratify what seemed to me a reasonable proposition. I did not come to this country to propagate the philosophy of my community or the religion of my people. I did not deem it part of my mission to assume that role which distinguishes the missionaries for the
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