considered as praise because it is the first verse of the basic text. In this verse only the names of different types of knowledge have been given. The details have been discussed later in question answer style.
Jnana or knowledge means to know matter and fundamentals in their true form. The commentator (Vruttikar) of this scripture has interpreted the word Jnana only as the mental means and the process. The data about the form of things is the mental means, as is said - to know is knowledge. And the activity through which the data about the form of a thing is acquired is known as the process as is said - the process of knowing the form of a thing is knowledge The classical definition is - To know the true form of things as a consequence of kshaya or kshayopsham (extinction or extinction-cum-suppression) of Jnanavaraniya-karmas (knowledge veiling karma) is called knowledge. Of the five types of knowledge mentioned here the first four are acquired by extinction-cum-suppression of karma and the fifth by extinction of karma.
The definitions of the five types of knowledge in brief are as follows
Abhinibodhik-jnana or Mati-jnana (sensory knowledge) - To know the apparent form of things coming before the soul by means of five sense organs and mind is called Abhinibodhik-inana. It is popularly known as Mati-jnana.
Shrut-jnana (scriptural knowledge) - To know by, hearing sound, word, or speech is called Shrutjnana. Although this type of knowledge is also received with the help of sense organs and the mind, because of the larger involvement of the processes of thinkingand contemplating it is mainly considered an activity of the mind. There are said to be two classes of Shrut-jnana
1. Arth shrut (Word of the Omniscient) - what is propagated by the omniscient Arthant after knowing through his direct perception is called Arth Shrut.
2. Sutra shrut - based on this Word of the Omniscient, compiled as aphorisms, what is presented by the Ganadhars is called Sutra shrut. As is said - "The Arthant utters the Word (arth) and for the benefit of the religious order the Ganadhars collect and compile it in the form of aphorisms (sutra).
Avadhi-jnana (extra sensory perception of the physical dimension) - the knowledge of the tangible and material things acquired by soul without the help of sense organs and mind is known as Avadhi-jnana. It has the capacity to see and know only material things; the formless things are beyond its capacity. In other words, it cannot see or know soul. This type of knowledge has the capacity to directly perceive material things on the basis of four parameters (avadhi) of matter, space (area), time and view-point.
Manahparyav-jnana - When the mind thinks of some thing it takes the form of that thing; this is known as paryaya (form, variation). The knowledge that perceives these transformations taking place within the mind of a sentient being is known as manahparyay -jnana.
Kewal-jnana - The full meaning of this term can be understood best with the help of various meanings of the word Kewal. Based on these meanings the definition in brief is as follows
Kewal means the only - Kewal-jnana is that which when dawns, the former four merge with it.
Kewal means alone or self reliant - The knowledge which directly perceives all things tangible or intangible, having a form or formless, without any help or
Aagam-44 - Nandi Sootra
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Compiled by- Deepratnasagar