of sound in words and then speech and transmits them. These particles proceed in different directions at different levels in space. But this act of progression is facilitated by collision with other particles of sound present in space. A listener located at the same level at which these particles are moving only hears this collided or transferred sound (mixed form of sound). Generally these sound particles proceed only at a specific level. But the collision with other particles makes some particles shift into another level. This is called paraghat or shift of level. A listener at different level hears only when this shift occurs, otherwise not.
[127] MEANING -lha, apoh, vimarsh, margana, gaveshana, sanjna, smriti, mati, prajna, and buddhi are all synonyms of abhinibodhikjnana.
[128] MEANING -This concludes the description of abhinibodhikjnana parox. COMMENTARY -The synonyms of mati-jnana are
Iha the conceiving of the proper meaning.
Apoh to ascertain.
Vimarsh - the intervening thought process between iha and, awaya.
Margana - the search for supporting values.
Gaveshana - the comparison with opposing values-.
Sanjna to find similarities between the experiences of the past and the thing being experienced now.
Smriti-to recall the thing experienced in the past.
Prajna - to analyze and understand the inherent properties of a thing with the help of the capacity born out of special kshayopasham.
Mati - the knowledge that perceives the subject presently under consideration or observation.
Buddhi The ultimate development of avaya.
Special - With the help of jatismaran jnana, which is a form of mati jnana, one can know a maximum number of 900 earlier births as a sentient being. When the mati jnana reaches its full capacity it becomes apratipati or indestructible. Once this state is reached Kewal-jnana is inevitable. But a person having minimum or middle level of mati-jnana may or may not attain Kewal-jnana.
[129] MEANING -Question - What are the types of this shrut-jnanaparoksh?
Answer Shrut-jnana paroksh is said to be of fourteenstypes-1. Akshar shrut, 2.Anakshar shrut, 3.Sanjni shrut, 4.Asanjni shrut, 5.Samyak shrut, 6. Mithya shrut, 7.Sadik shrut, 8.anadik shrut, 9. Saparyavasit shrut, 10.Aparyavasit shrut11.Gamik shrut, 12.Agamik shrut, 13.Angapravisht and14.Anangapravisht shrut.
COMMENTARY Like mati-jnana, shrut mana is also indirectknowledge. Shrut-jnana is acquired after having mati-jnana. In other words shrut-jnana can be acquired only with the help of mati-jnana. Therefore it has been mentioned after matijnana.
Out of tneso 14 types the first two are the main categories. These two combine within them all the other categories. However, tomake it easy to understand for common man these have beenexpanded into 14.
[130] MEANING -Question - What is this akshar shrut?
Answer Akshar shrut is said to be of three types- (1) Sanjna akshar, (2) Vyanjana akshar, and (3) Labdhi akshar. Aagam- 44 -NandiSootra
Compiled by- Deepratnasagar