In the sixteenth birth this being was born as the son of the younger brother of king Vishvanandi of Rajagriha. He was named Vishvabhuti. One day Vishvabhuti was on a pleasure trip with his queens in the state garden. His cousin Vishakhanandi also arrived there
Prince ! Kindly wait here, you cannot enter the garden. Prince Vishvabhuti and his queens are
already occupying it
Vishakhanandi took it as an insult and was annoyed. He conspired with his mother and on the pretext of a war he made Vishvabhuti leave the garden. He, then, occupied it himself.
When Vishvabhuti returned from the battlefield he went to the garden. When he came to know that Vishakhanandi was inside he realized that he had been taken for a ride. He lost his temper and gave a mighty kick to a nearby tree. All its fruits dropped down in a heap. The guards started trembling. .
See, what I can do to one who
cheats me.
All these wordly relationships are false and despicable. Even for such minor things parents too do not hesitate to conspire against their own offspring,
However, his inherent attitude of benevolence did not allow him to treat his own cousin so cruelly.
Vishakhanandi went to sthavir sambhauti and become an ascetic. He started harsh penance.
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