that found in Vaiśesika-sūtra. As for the Tattvārtha definition of what is real and what is eternal, if it exhibits similarity with any system of philosophy it is with the Sāňkhya and Yoga systems; for the account of what is pariņāmi-nitya (=eternal amidst transformations) that is found in these systems is literally similar to the account of what is real and what is eternal that is found in Tattvārtha. The capacity for originating the substances attributed to atoms by the Vaiseșika system is altogether different from the capacity for paudgalika combination—that is, for originating the substances-described in Tattvārtha? The Tattvārtha definition of dravya and guņais much similar to the corresponding, definition offered by the Vaiseșika-sūtra. The definitions of pariņāma offered by Tattvārtha on the one hand and the Sānkhya Yoga system on the other are pretty similar. The Tattvārtha demarcation of a sat (lit. real) entity as being of the form of dravya, guna and paryāya reminds the Sānkhya doctrine of sat and pariņāma as also of the Vaišeșika tendency to treat dravya, guna and karma as the chief types of sat.
The Essential Points of the Investigation-into-conduct
What tendencies observable in life are worthy of rejection, what is the basic root of such tendencies, what consequences are reaped in life by those nurturing such tendencies, if the renunciation of such tendencies is at all possible then what are the means for the same, in place of such tendencies what positive ones are to be introduced in life and what consequence is produced-gradually and in the end—by these latter tendencies— all these considerations are present there in the investigation-intoconduct occurring in the chapters six to ten. Since these considerations are couched in an altogether unique technical terminology and follow a sectarian style it outwardly appears as
1. Prasastapāda, the account of air, p. 48. 2. 5.32.35. 3. 5. 37 and 40. 4. The present Introduction, pp. 25 and 26.
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