A clear account of Naya as is found in it is not found in any other system. In brief we can say that in the present investigation-into-cognition Vacaka Umāsvāti has demonstrated in details as to what is the Jaina system's substitute for the investigation-into-pramāņa found undertaken in the Vedicist and Buddhist systems.
The essential points of the investigation-into-the-cognisables The investigation-into-the-cognisables contains an account of the two basic verities of the world-viz. jīva (=soul) and ajīva (=not soul). Of these, the verity jīva alone is found treated in these two to four chapters-i. e. in three chapters in all. In the chapter two we find besides an account of the general nature of the verity jīva an account of its types and sub-types as also numerous allied matters. In the chapter three there is an account of the hellish beings residing in the lower loka-region and that of the human beings, animals and birds residing in the middle lokaregion-it thus yielding besides multifarious information regarding these species of living beings also a complete geographical account of the neither world and the world of human beings. In the chapter four there is an account of the species of heavenly beings-it thus yielding besides an astronomical account-an account of the heavenly quarters and the prosperity characteristic of them. In the chapter five there is an account of the general nature of substances through describing the qualities and properties characteristic of this substance and that at the same time there being presented a detailed treatment of all the substances by way of pointing out their similarities and dissimilarities.
This investigation-into-the-cognisables covers sixteen points and as follows
Chapter two :
1. The nature of the verity jīva;
1. 1. 34, 35.
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