The essential points of the investigation-into-cognition
In the chapter one there are eight chief points related to cognition and they are as follows :
(1) The classification of cognition into naya and pramāņa;
(2) The five types of cognition mati etc. well known from the Āgama and their classification into two types of pramāna, pratyakșa and parokşa;
(3) The causes of origination in the case of mati-jñāna, its types and sub-types, and the classification indicative of the order of their origination;
(4) The description in the form of śruta-jñāna of the Āgamic-texts considered to be authoritative in the Jaina tradition;
(5) The three types of divine (=extra-ordinary) perception, their types and sub-types, and their mutual difference;
(6) The indication of the object of these five types of jñāna with a view to laying down the mutual relativity of their extent; the simultaneous possibility of these different types of jñāna;
(7) The position that certain types of jñāna can possibly be mistaken, and the causes responsible for the truth and falsity of a piece of jñāna;
(8) The types and sub-types of Naya.
Points of Comparison
The treatment of jñāna found in the present investigation into-jñāna is not of that logical and philosophical style which is characteristic of the corresponding treatment found in the Jñanādhikära of Pravacanasāra.
It is rather akin to the treatment found in Nandīsūtra—a treatment which, being of the Āgamic style, simply describes all the types and sub-types of jñāna and their respective objects while also drawing the dividing line between jñāna and a-jñāna.
The order of origination of the ordinary types of jñāna
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