The Persons Authorized i
The statement as to the persons authorized to perform the dhyāna in question has been made here in two ways-viz. from the standpoint of guṇasthāna and from that of yoga. From the standpoint of gurasthāna the persons authorized to perform the first two of the four subtypes of śukla-dhyāna turn out to be those occupying the eleventh and twelfth gunasthānas and they too in case they happen to be versed in the Pūrva-texts. From the qualification versed in the pūrva-texts' it has to be generally understood that in case a person is versed not in the Pūrva-texts but in the eleven Anga-texts or the like then while occupying the gunasthānas eleventh and twelfth he performs not sukla-dhyāna but dharma-dhyāna. However, to this general rule there are exceptions possible inasmuch as personages like Māsatușa and Marudevi even while not versed in the Pūrva-texts can well perform śukla-dhyāna. As for the last two subtypes of śukladhyāna the person authorized to perform them in only a kevalinthat is, only one occupying the thirteenth or fourteenth gunasthāna. From the standpoint of yoga only one possessed of all the yogas is authorized to perform the first of the four subtypes of śukla-dhyāna. Again, one possessed of any one of the three yogas-viz. those pertaining to manas, speech and body is authorized to perform the second subtype of śukla-dhyāna. Lastly, only one possessed of the bodily yoga is authorized to perform the third subtype of śukla-dhyāna while only one devoid of all yoga whatsoever is authorized to perform the fourth subtype of it.
The Types :
Like the other types of dhyāna śukla-dhyāna too is divided into four subtypes. The four are designated as follows :
(1) Prthaktvavitarka-savicāra. (2) Ekatvavitarka-nirvicāra. (3) Sūksmakriyā-pratipātin. (4) Vyuparatakriyānivrtti (or Samucchinnakriyānivstti)
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