Śvetāmbara or some third one-Umāsvāti actually belonged to. The question gets answered once it is decided as to who wrote the bhāsya in question. And that the bhāsya is a work by Umāsvāti himself is incontrovertibly proved on the grounds stated below.
1. Among the available commentaries on the bhāsya the oldest is that by Siddhasena. And the following mentions made in it presuppose that the author of the bhāsya is the same as that of the original aphorisms.
“pratijñātaṁ cānena, jñānam vaksyāmah' iti / atas tad anurodhenaikavacanaṁ cakāra ācāryaḥ”, Part I, p. 69
“śāstīti ca granthakāra eva dvidhā ātmānam vibhajya sūtrakāra-bhāsyakārakāreņaivam āha." p. 72.
“sūtrakārād avibhakto’pi hi bhāsyakāraḥ”, p. 205.
“iti śrīmadarhatpravacane tattvārthādhigame umāsvātivācakopajñasūtrabhāsye bhāsyānusarinyāṁ ca tikāyāṁ..", part II, p. 120.
2. The eighth from among the concluding verses of the bhāsya has been quoted by Yakinīsūnu Haribhadrācārya in his Šāstravārtāsamuccaya as a composition by Umāsvāti.
3. Even Ācārya Devagupta in the course of his commentary on the initial verses that form a part of the bhāsya itself indicates that the bhāsya and the original aphorisms come from the same author. See verses 1 and 2.
4. Within the body of the initial verses—as also at certain
1. See Shri Premji's essay in the Singhi Memorial Number of ‘Bhāratiya Vidyā', p. 128.
He too has demonstrated that the bhāsya is a work by the author of the aphorisms himself.
2. tattvārthādhigamākhyam bahvarthaṁ sangraham laghugrantham /
vaksyāmi sisyahitam imam arhadvacanaikadeśasya // 22 // narte ca mokşamārgād vratopadeśo'sti jagati krtsne'smin / tasmāt param imam eveti mokşamārgam pravaksyāmi // 31 //
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