which bestows on these newly received physical particles the form of the body-type concerned—that is called sanghāta-nāma.
(7-8) The karma which causes the having of a particular type of bone-structure in a body-that is called samhanana-nāma, while the karma which causes the having of a particular bodily shape-that is called saṁsthāna-nāma.
(9-12) The karmas which cause the presence in a body of five colours white etc., the two smells good-smell etc., the five tastes bitter etc. and the eight touches cold etc.—these are respectively called varņa-nāma, gandha-nāma, rasa-nāma and sparśa-nāma,
(13) The karma which in the case of a jīva, proceeding to take on a new birth causes its motion to follow the serial line made up of the constituent-units of ākāśa—that is called ānupūrvinama.
(14) The karma which causes a living body to move in a well-conducted or an ill-conducted manner—that is called vihāyogati.
These fourteen are designated pinda-prakrti—the reason being that each of them is further subdivided into classes.
The ten sub-types designated sthāvara-daśaka :
(1-2) The karma whose manifestation causes the possession of a capacity to move about independently-that is called trasanāma; on the countrary, the karma whose manifestation makes impossible the possession of such a capacity—that is called sthāvara-nāma :
(3-4) The karma whose manifestaion causes the possession of such a gross body as is observable to ordinary eyes-that is called bādara-nāma; on the contrary, the karma whose manifestation causes the possession of such a subtle body as is not observable to ordinary eyes—that is called sūkṣmanāma.
(5-6) The karma whose manifestation makes it possible for a being to attain all the paryāptis (paryāpti-the technical name for
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