"āyurvipākaṁ karma dvividham sopakramaṁ nirupakramam ca / tatra yathārdraṁ vastraṁ vitānitaṁ hrasīyasā kālena śușyet tathā sopakramam / yathā ca tad eve sampiņạitań cireņa saņśuşyed evaṁ nirupakramam / yathā vāgniḥ śuşke kakṣe mukto vātena samantato yuktaḥ kṣepīyasā kālena dahet tathā sopakramam / yathā va sa evāgnis trņarāsau kramaso, avayaveșu nyastaś cireņa dahet tathā nirupakramam/ tadaikabhavikam āyuskaraḥ karma dvividham sopakramam nirūpakramam ca ?”
-Yogabhāsya 3, 22 Akşapāda's 'Nyāyadarśana' (=Nyāyasūtra) is understood to have been composed nearabout the beginning of the Christian era. Vātsyāyana's bhāsya on it is one of the earliest works belonging to the Bhāsya-period dated 2nd-3rd centuries A. D. Certain words and topics characteristic of this text are found in Tattvārtha-bhāsya. E.g. the doctrine of four pramāņas advocated by Nyāya-darśana is referred to in the bhāsya on Tattvārtha 1.6 and 1.35.1
In the bhāsya on Tattvārtha 1.12 the refutation of the alleged pramāņas arthāpatti, sambhava, abhāva, etc. is similar to that found in Nyāya-darśana (2.1.1) etc. The Nyāyadarśana definition of pratyakṣa contains the phrase "indriyārthasannikarşotpannam” (1.1.4); the same has been employed in the bhāsya on Tattvārtha 1.12. While seeking to incorporate within the fold of matijñāna and śrutajñāna the allegedly independent pramāņas like arthāpatti etc.; thus we read there "sarvānyetāni matiśrutayor antarbhūtāni indriyārthasannikarşanimittatvāt /"
1 “pratyakṣānumānopamānaśabdāḥ pramāņāņi”
-- Nyāyadarśana, 1, 1, 7 "caturvidham ity eke nayavādāntarena"-Tattvārthabhāsya, 1, 6 and "yathā vā pratyaksānumānopamānāptavacanaih pramānair eko’rthah pramīyate,"
-Tattvārthabhāsya, 1, 35.
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