publication of the second edition of the Hindi Tattvārtha. There is no doubt that if the burden was entrusted to me alone then this second edition would have never come out at all.
However, whatever responsibility in this connection was to be imposed on me was imposed on himself by Pt. Shri Malvaniavoluntarily and enthusiastically; and uptil the end he also discharged it extremely well. Thus when literature had to be perused to make possible a proper publication of this new edition, when a consideration of issues had to be undertaken with a view to making needed alterations, when other practical problems had to be solved—then all that was needful was done by Shri Malvania on his own inspiration. Relation between ourselves being what it is I do not feel like expressing an obligation. Yet I am mentioning these things so that the readers might know the situation for what it is.
This year during summer vacation Shri Malvania came to Ahmedabad chiefly because I was here. Having gone through the necessary literature—new and old-whatever notes he had already taken down were considered by me in his very company and with as much impartiality as was possible; then whatever appeared worthy of reduction, expansion or alteration was duly treated for the sake of this new edition. This edition is now before the inquisitive readers; let them make use of it—as suits their inclination, as suits their understanding. 24-5-51
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