In the first chapter the seven fundamental verities have been indicated by name; in the next nine chapters they have to be specially described one by one. Hence first of all the essential nature of the fundamental verity soul has been delineated in the present chapter while an account of the various topics connected with ite.g. its sub-division into types-continues upto the fourth chapter.
The five bhāvas—that is, the characteristic conditions resulting from the presence or otherwise of the karma concerned, their types and illustrations :
Aupaśamika (i.e. that which results from a subsidence of the karma concerned), kṣāyika (i.e. that which results from a destruction of the karma concerned), the mixed or ksāyopaśamika (i.e. that which results from a subsidence-cum-destruction of the karma concerned)—these three plus two more-viz. audayika (i.e. that which results from a manifestation of the karma concerned) and pāriņāmika (i.e. that which having nothing to do with karma appears naturally)—thus five in all are the types of bhāva and they constitute the nature of a soul. 1.
These five types have got 2, 9, 18, 21 and 3 sub-types respectively. 2.
Samyaktva or right inclination and cāritra or right conduct—these two are aupaśamika. 3.
Jñāna or determinate cognition, darśana or indeterminate cognition, dāna or donation, lābha or gain, bhoga or immediate consumption, upabhoga or recurrent consumption, vīrya or endeavour, and samyaktvą or right inclination and cāritra or right conduct—these nine are kṣāyika. 4.
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