capable of cognizing these words in a general form 'there is something here'; it is this general cognition that first clearly apprehends the words in question. Then ensues the ordered succession of the cognitions of a particular form. All this is to say that just as the dry earthen bowl, as a result of receiving the drops of water for a while, gradually becomes wet and the water becomes visible inside it so also do the ears of a sleeing person, as a result of coming in contact for a while with words of the form of material particles, become full with these words and so are capable of cognizing them in a general form while later on they come to cognize their particular features. This ordered succession of cognitive processes takes place in the case of a waking person as much as it does in that of a sleeping person, but in the former case it is so swift that one hardly takes note of it. That is why it is the similarity of a sleeping person with the earthen bowl that is pointed out.
For the fast order of succession the illustration of a mirror is apt. Thus as soon as a thing finds itself in front of a mirror its reflection appears in this mirror and is visible; for this there is no need of a contact between the mirror and the thing reflectedjust as there is need of a contact between the ears and the words heard. All that is needed is the co-presence in a suitable place of the mirror that is to reflect and the thing that is to be reflected; as soon as such a co-presence is available the reflection appears there and is immediately visible. In a like manner, as soon as a coloured thing is placed in front of an eye the former is immediately seen in a general form. For this there is no need of a contact between this eye and this thing-just as man is in need of a contact between the ears and the words heard. All that is needed is the co-presence in a suitable place of this eye and this thing just like the co-presence of the mirror and the thing reflected. That is why in the case of the fast order of succession it is arthavagraha that is treated as the starting-point.
The stream of cognition pertaining to the slow order of succession has a place for vyañjanävagraha but not so that pertaining to the fast order of succession. Hence the question
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