Keep always smiling in your life, make the distances lesser in relations and learn to love every one. Give up commenting ironically and learn to be polite and civilized. Remember, a matchstick has a head but not mind. It begins burning with a little rubbing but we have both head and mind, then why we should be violent and furious at trivial things. We have to utilize our wisdom and have to control over our anger wisely.
I am telling you a special story. It is said that the son of Sultan (King) Harun Rashid complained in the court of his father that a son of a certain commander had abused him badly. On this, some one among ministers suggested to hang him till death.
At last the Sultan told his son by making him understand, "Dear Son, if you can forgive the sinner, it will be a great thing and if you can't do so, you can abuse him too but before doing so, think for a moment whether it will be an honourable act by you or not?"
The prince thought something for a while and went peacefully inside the palace. He understood that inspite of a reason causing anger if someone keeps quiet, is really a great warrior. We all should recognize our bravery and should become a worshipper of path of peace. I think, from right now, you will be able to keep your anger under control, will keep patience even in atmosphere of anger. I also hope that you will show a sweetness of your temperament in your speech, in your behaviour and in every action of your life. The people who drink the poisonous share of others, and give in return a godly sweetness of their behaviour, are considered and compared next to Lord Sheo. From today, we will present the people bouquets of sweetness not of flowers.
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