In my point of view, a person who is able to keep control over his anger, only he is liable to survive in both the material and the spiritual world. You are the persons living in a state of balanced life style. Meditate for an hour daily. Have a fast of silence for an hour daily. However, every person must have a fast once in a month and this fast should be special regarding there will be no anger during the period of fasting. It will be a fast of not getting angry whole the day. An oath should be taken of not getting angry and no violent reaction will be there under any circumstances at any cost. Let it be any kind of incident, but the fasting of not getting angry should not be broken. As the people keep fasting for not taking any diet, likewise you keep fasting of not getting angry in any condition. How easy penance is it? Even after taking diet time to time, you will get a benefit of being an ascetic. An ascetic in the way that you did not get angry for a particular period of time. Otherwise the ascetics who remain on fasting get angry quickly. You please, give up your anger and enjoy your life happily.
Adopt one more formula of getting rid of anger. Keep yourself away from the place where the atmosphere of anger takes place. Come into a room, listen to a sweet music or do the cleaning work. I mean to say, divert your attention. If it is not possible to leave that place then have a drink of cold water. When the milk, while boiling, tries to come out from the pot, we drop some drops of water or switch off the gas stove to stop its temperature, in the same way, drink cold water to cool down the temperature of anger. Anger will also be pacified. If you get yourself cooled down, the other will automatically follow you.
One thing more to be kept in the mind is if anyone gets angry due to our rude behaviour then do not forget to say 'Sorry'. Say 'Sorry' without losing even a single moment. 361
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