saw a wrestler was exercising there at that home. That person asked him, Hey! What's the matter? Why have you come here? He very politely told that nothing was there; he had come to return one of the fallen stones from his home.
Anger appears at the weak, it bends before the powerful. Anger results in a fatal output. One thousand cells of knowledge of us get destroyed by getting one time angry. The children, who get angry ten times a day, lose their ten thousand knowledge cells. Therefore, my children! Be always evergreen happy! Be patient! Be tolerable! Be quiet! If you want that your remembrance power remains sharp, take an oath, have a resolution never to get angry, never to get angry at any cost. First you give up your anger, decide your goal, concentrate your mind and work hard positively, you will certainly succeed.
If you get angry, your heart will become weak, digestion power will get disturbed and mental power will continuously keep on getting weak. The blood pressure will get imbalanced, problem of appetite and sleeplessness will occur. Anger disturbs self control. It breaks mutual relationship. A moment's anger may destroy the whole future. It affects our career too.
One, who doesn't get angry, remains energetic even after taking one time food in a day. He is capable of keeping self control. I am a follower of discipline but don't get angry. To get angry is a foolery. Whenever a person gets angry, he repeats foolery only. An angry man uses abusing words in anger. In anger, wisdom is set aside and flows a fountain of abuses. A little bit of our anger finishes all the friendly relations of us.
We should control over our anger. So I say that a work that can be done with a needle, do not use sword for the same. I have a famous instance. An S.P. together with his
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