I am the Soul
Those who are bogged down in rituals and others who pursue superficial knowledge. Both are worthy of pity.
Jivas of the former type keep performing many rituals, unthinkingly, in the name of religion. Yet as their soul is not in it, they do not get rewarded at all. They are just like the knife in your kitchen. You use it to cut mangoes or chilies or bitter-gourds. Which one of the flavours does the knife recognise? Sweet, spicy or the bitter. None, because knife is inanimate. Whatever an inanimate thing does, it does not fetch any rewards. Don't you think we too are bordering with the inanimate? That is perhaps why we perform unfeelingly and fail to get any results.
If religious activity is being carried out as a matter of routine, it is as good as the work of an inanimate thing. Consider this, Brothers! You come here and spend so much time. How precious is every second? Would you like your time wasted? When you come all the way here setting aside everything else, don't you feel that your precious time should not be spent fruitlessly, that whatever religious activity you perform in those precious moments should be worthwhile. Religion is not blind faith, it is the Truth, it is Reality. Hence discard all blind beliefs and practice the truth. Only then will there be proper reward. Your reward will not be anything material, it will be ethereal. Practice your religion in such a way that it fetches you inner bliss, makes you feel elated, for the true form of religion is the paramount feeling of peace and bliss. Ask your self if you have felt the elation and the joy. If the reply is negative, then be sure you have been practicing unfeelingly. Ilence it is said -
___ कोई क्रियाजड थई रह्या,
We have missed the purpose behind the activity. What devotion? Whose devotion? On the path of liberation, one has to be devoted to the jnana, darshan, charitra and tapa. What really happens is jnana and darshan are often ignored. That leaves charitra and tapa. Here too penance is given the greater
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