In this present era ...
Liberation is to be sought following the three-fold path of True Knowledge, True Faith and True Conduct. Sincere practice of this will help us derive the meaning of Self.
The Self has life while the other things are inanimate. This jiva has never bothered to analyse and understand his own Self but has lost countless births in trying to understand the inanimate objects of the external world - para. What an effort mustered in trying to unravel the deepest mysteries of the inanimate. You may be aware, a scientist dedicates his entire life to unravelling the mysteries of the physical world. He is constantly at work in a laboratory unmindful of day or night, sleep and hunger. All this because his interest, his concern is in the inanimate, the lifeless things.
Every being is engaged in some effort. Everybody desires to achieve something, but their interests are varied. Someone interested in the Soul goes in search of it. Somebody else whose interest lies in the material world, spends the entire life in the vain search of things that pleasure the senses, oblivious of the world around him. That search of the inanimate gets him so involved that he is lost to himself unaware of his essential nature.
Haven't you noticed some kid who pulls apart every new toy that it gets and then puts it together. It will do that again and again until it gets to know the toy inside out. Its parents proudly say that the kid will grow up to be a great engineer. Indeed, it is a matter of pride. But if we evaluate the child's search in a wider spiritual context, it is apparent that every being is capable of going into the depths of any given thing.
Just as an interest in the material objects drives one to the very depths of it, an awakening of interest in the life that is within, can also help a being in unravelling the mysteries of the Self, putting an end to all sorrows. Srimadji has pointed this out at the very beginning when he said -
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