I am the Soul Atmasiddhi Shastra serves as a unique means to grasp the knowledge of the essential constituents of the pathway of liberation, without undergoing any mental strain.
Srimad Rajachandra was a wise and learned man and had realised the true nature of the self. He used to be always absorbed in meditation. The following two lines of the text that distinguishes pure soul from the body are true of Srimad Rajachandra -
देह छतां जेनी दशा, वर्ते देहातीत
à Finiai aurii, at SGT misura .....882 i.e. A self realised man possesses a body but it is not influenced by the bodily afflictions and pleasures. I offer my humble salutations at the feet of such a perfect soul.
In 107 chapters the learned Sadhvi has shed valuable light on the philosophical contents of the Atmasiddhi Shastra. She has also analysed and elaborated each word of each couplet in an impressive and inspiring way. People desirous of self realisation have benefited immensely from her discourses on Atmasiddhi Shastra. Only a self-dependent soul engrossed in meditation and one striving for the destruction of jnanavarniya karmas can comment upon such a philosophical and spiritual tenet like Atmasiddhi Shastra.
We shall forever be indebted to Tarulatabai Mahasatiji for giving these valuable and meritorious lectures. It is my earnest desire that people from all walks of life derive inspiration from these lectures.
Prof. Ramanlal Shah
Jain Educationa International
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