Contemplation upon the Self
I am the Soul.
Inactivity - akartapana. . . is my natural disposition - svabhava.
There is no activity in me.
This Soul... in its true original form is inactive.
If the atma remains engrossed... encompassed within itself.. in its true original form. . . It is inactive.
If venturing out of its true form... mistaking the affected disposition to be its own... . it begins to transform, then . . . It becomes active, a doer - karta.
The feeling of being a doer, that . . . I develop attachment, I harbour aversion... are the activities of the jiva.
By transiting through good and evil thoughts... the jiva becomes the doer of papa and punya.
The good and evil thoughts are not mine... neither are the papa and punya.
I AM aloof from all these.
In the transitions of the pure state of the atma... there is neither attachment nor aversion... neither is there papa, nor
Aloof from all these . . . dense with chaitanya...
I am the Soul.
I am the Soul full of jnana and darshana.
For all those moments, when... I am stable within my Self, withdrawn from the involvement with the material world... withdrawn from the involvement with the affected disposition, I am inactive - akarta.
I want to manifest... my eternal inactive stae.
Hence, if I abandon the feeling that I am the doer.
Jain Educationa International
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