I am the Soul
So the Jain philosophy accepts various faiths from various viewpoints, and there lies the achievement of its anekantavada, the proof of its pertinence. And therefore, the other faiths of India get accommodated in this broad view of the Jain philosophy. The Syadvada style of Jain philosophy holds the unique ability of accepting the principles acceptable to other faiths. In the same way, beyond the acceptance of the other faiths, Jain philosophy also goes much deeper into the principles and brings out other truths about them. It is therefore, that the great benevolent yogi Anandghanji Maharaj, who had forayed deep into all darshanas in addition to Jain darshan, strikes a balance of the six darshanas with the help of the philosophy put forth by the Veetraag -
षड्दर्शन जिन अंग भणीजे, न्यास षडंग जो साधे रे
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The six Darshanas - Sankhya, yoga, Bouddha, Jain etc. - are parts of the Veetaraag Supreme Soul. The installation of these six parts must be done with a proper understanding. Those who are the followers of the Veetaraag Prabhu are the true devotees of the six faiths. The first among them is -
जिन सुर पादप पाय बखाणो, सांख्ययोग दोय भेदे रे
आतम सत्ता विवरण करतां, लहो दुग अंग अखेदे रे . . . २ Sankhya and Yoga darshanas are like the two legs or the fundamentals of the Jain darshana that is in the form of Jineshwar Bhagawan. Both those darshanas accept the supremacy of the soul and are hence without sorrow. We should accept these two philosophies.
As we discussed earlier, both Sankhya and Yoga Darshanas believe in the existence of atma. They believe infinite atmas to be all separate. They also believe that the atma is pure, inert and non-sufferer. Jain darshan, while believing in the eternal power of the atmas, also accepts their separate identity. From niscaya naya point of view, Jain darshan also accepts atma to be inert
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