I am the Soul
showered a lot of affection on other worldly jivas but not loved the self. If we begin to love ourselves how long before we set ourselves free! In the Acharanga Sutra it is said -
पुरिसा तुममेव तुमं मित्तं किं बहिया मित्त मिच्छसि ?
O Soul! You are your own friend. Why do you desire a friend from outward? If the atma trudges the good path, awakens the self, becomes conscious of the self, experiences the bliss of the self, then it is a friend of itself. Treading on the true path the soul reaches the goal of Moksa.
So Brothers! Let us love the atma, the self, and cut our own bonds.
Here the six padas were dealt with in brief. Henceforth, the eligible disciple raises doubts about one pada after another at a time and the Sadguru, with great lover, offers the clarifications in a tone steeped in the essence of experience.
But before that the next Gatha deals with how these six padas correlate with the other faiths of our country.
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