I am the Soul
Brothers! This dialogue is not to underrate kevaljnuna. But the secret remains that unless the seed of Sumyak Darshan is sown, the fruit of nirvana cannot be got. The enjoyment of sweet and tasty fruit is thanks to the seed. If there were no seed, there would be no fruit, hence while enjoying the fruit, it is necessary that the appreciation of seed be kept in view. This seed is itself Samyak Darshan, knowledge of the self. In Srimadji's words -
वह केवल को बीज ग्यानी कहे With the occurrence of such knowledge of the self, the attachment begins to dissolve. That is, the true effort which results in the dissolving of attachment, begins after attaining the knowledge of the self. Effort put in before attaining the knowledge of the self brings in very little fruit. In our scriptures this has been called akuma nirjara. The effort before attaining Samyak darshan is not totally futile, as for the jiva who has been mithyatvi from infinite time, the effort to attain samakit has to be made in the mithyatva state itself. Had the effort of mithyatva state not offered any fruit, no jiva could ever have achieved samakit. But this is not so! The effort of mithyatva state itself is instrumental for the achievement of sumakit. Of course, it is true that if nothing is done for the achievement of samakit and other observances are done, then there is not much to be gained from them. But the same or even lesser effort put in after achieving samakit brings in much more fruit. The nirjara of karma happens in bulk and the progress of the soul is quicker. That is why Samyak Darshan is considered wonderful and great. This is the first step on the ladder to Moksa.
Even after Samyak Darshun, kevaljnana is attained only after a severe penance. Bhagawan Mahaveer was born with such great eligibility. Samakit and three jnanas were with him. But Mohaniya karma was also there, and he had to fight it. How long did it take? Twelve years and thirteen fortnights! Brothers! Think over! What did Prabhu do for this length of time? Historians say he performed such and such a penance. We have the figure of Prabhu's penance. We have counted the observances
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