Where arises good thinking ...
The pursuit of the three-fold path happens only after good thinking arises. Good thinking is the contemplation about the Atmu. When the self begins to contemplate over the Self, only then will it be understood that the three gems are my true form. Such a realisation will awaken the urge in a jiva to attain Moksa. Only then will he work for the devoted practice.
As long as there is love for the affected thoughts, as long as there is contemplation on only those thoughts, the jiva will be active in obtaining, safeguarding and enjoying substances. It does not occur to him to get out of it. In spite of the company of the Sadguru, he treads the wrong path and hence cannot know his true self.
Atmasiddhi Shastra' tells us here that when an eligible jiva finds the company of a Sadguru, that precious moment becomes a fortunate means of blossoming Nandunvana in his life. An atmarthi is in search of such a good opportunity solely out of his interest in the Soul. When it is found, it does not take long for the seed lying in the soul to sprout.
In our history, there have been many saints whose entire life was turned about after just one moment of Sadguru yoga in their life. The iron is hot indeed, but it takes shape only when the hammer of Guru's grace strikes. Then in the regular company of this Gurudev, the jiva improves his own digestive ability with the help of the bitter yet restorative medicine offered by the Sadguru, and then digests the advice. As a result, the good health in the form of good thinking arises in him.
Srimadji tells us as to what happens with the awakening of good thinking -
ज्यां प्रगटे सुविचारणा, त्यां प्रगटे निजज्ञान,
J FITT HE US, UTÈ ftatur .....88
With the awakening of good thinking, the resultant true form of the Self is realised. The self knows the Self, the self experiences
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