I am the Soul
widening the material world, how will the thoughts of liberation arise in it? For the jiva has thought a lot, but has not realised even until now that 'It is necessary that I should think for the soul too”. When this is understood, then with the yoga of the Sadguru, good thinking begins.
But Brothers! What a sad state we are in! What our thoughts absorb and from where! Just from where we need to absorb the good, we pick up the wrong and lowly path to feed our bad disposition.
Today is Janmashtami! What do you do today? A luncheon with porridge. Many of the sisters have made an observance, many are fasting. But Brothers! I ask you what will you do? Will you do what Lord Krishna did, or what the Pandavas did? They had done a lot in their lives, what have you absorbed from it? Living apart everything else, you learnt gambling. Tonight, you will gamble all night. Why! Many of you brothers and even some sisters, will gamble through out this month of Shravuna. But why? Do you have an answer? Krishna gambled, the learned Pandavas gambled, then we are but ordinary men; why not us? And besides, we are not as foolish as the Pandavas, nor have we lost our sense, that we will go and place our wives at stake. We have never done so, and we never will. This is but some entertainment. An enjoyment for a while!
Pardon me, Brothers! But why did you have to take the refuge of such lowly entertainment? Could you not find an ennobling entertainment? Or then would there not be any fun in it? If you do some satsang, devotion, swadhyaya, listen to something good, these will not only provide entertainment but will also entertain the soul and prove useful for the jiva. It is a fact that the mind-frame of the man, whose mind is attracted by lowly entertainment, is also lowly. Is it becoming to pursue such lowly disposition?
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