I am the Soul Only when extreme humility appears within, when modesty awakens, do such feelings get expressed through the language. Not otherwise. Brothers! One who is modest, will not be affected by the ego, however great be his achievement. Ganadhar Gautam remained a servant at the feet of Bhagawan Mahaveer in spite of having attained four jnanas and several labdhis. Why! Even Mahaver himself does not say in his sermon that I have attained kevaljnana and I say this with the might of knowledge'. But he says that I bring you nothing new, the same form of the principle that has been told, as it has been told, by infinite number of Tirthankars. This is extreme modesty.
Unless modesty awakens, the importance of the Gurudev will not be understood, and the feelings of dedication at his feet do not awaken. Hence, before becoming an Atmarthi, before becoming a Mumukshu, the ego that resides within the nooks and corners of the self has to be searched out and bade goodbye. Only then all the activity of all the yogas can get dedicated to the Gurudev!
Here Srimadji has told about the superior capability of the atmarthi. An atmarthi does not merely mouth the praises of the Gurudev's benevolence, but he is willing to attend to the orders with mind, body and speech. However difficult then that order may be, but to a capable jiva it seems like a light flower. Where there is attraction, interest, affection, everything is naturally simple. The Atmarthi has accepted Dharma at the order of the Guru. As such to his mind there is nothing difficult. He naturally executes the orders of the Guru. Then for him liberation is not far off.
The special capabilities of the Atmarthi will be told later.
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