I am the Soul
A person may have very well become a Muni in external appearance, but the sainthood that needs to appear within will not appear unless the Right Faith is realised. In the gradual progress on to the Gunasthanas too, the same has been said about the jiva living in falsehood from infinity, in whom the Munidasha (sainthood) in the form of Sarvavirati (total detachment) will arise only after the purity (samyaktva) first touches him. No jiva can reach the sixth gunasthana without attaining Samyaktva. Gunasthana is the state of the jiva's soul that is progressing gradually. It is not a flight of steps or a qualification where you can skip a few steps in between and climb straight to the top. Gradually, as the Karmas decline, as they are eliminated, the true form of the purified Soul begins to appear. Hence, a jiva has to first learn the Bheda vijnana, only then will the Sainthood occur. It has never happened that a jiva who has been living in the falsehood for infinity has straight away attained the Munidasha.
Munidasha is the inner-soul. The learned have mentioned three types of souls based on the various states of the Soul. The outward soul, the inner soul and the supreme soul. Anandghanji Maharaj has described these states -
आतमबुद्धे हो कायादिके ग्रहयो, बहिरातम अधरूप, सुज्ञानी कायादिकनो हो साखीधर रह्यो,
Biarea 316H tay ganit... yufa ...
One who is not conscious of the true form of jiva, who believes the body itself to be the soul, who is stuck in the wrong notion that body is my self and whose every activity is centred around the body is called 'bahiratma' - the outward soul. Indeed, believing the body to be the Self, and not knowing that all substances are separate from the Soul, his attachment on those separate substances does not diminish. His idea of his own happiness is in those other substances, and all his efforts are
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