I am the Soul
the one who has a child-like innocence can become a saint. The word Nirgrantha points towards this secret. The foremost indication of straight-forwardness is that a straight-forward person looks at the shortcomings of the Self and the virtues of the others. Well, this is the simplest indication. Ask your Self whether you do this or just the reverse. Is the joy of looking at the virtues of the Self and the shortcomings of others matched even by the joy of eating sweets? As long as such narrowmindedness remains, straight-forwardness cannot remain within. Only the one who is capable of absorbing virtues has the right to attain Dharma
Only the one, who has the greatness of intellect, subjugation of passions, conquest of the senses and equanimity, is capable of attaining the path of moksa. Rest is all wallowing in the miseries and dragging about in the material world. Brothers! If the stick is straight it climbs to the pinnacle of the temple along with the flag. But if it is crooked, the only place it goes in to is the stove. Similarly, only such jivas in whom there is straightforwardness, no deceit, absence of feelings for the material world, reach the highest state of self-progress. But those materialistic people who raise an objection at the drop of a hat, are not fit even to observe Dharma.
Dharma is a later issue, these crooked people put many others into trouble in the normal walks of life too. Say anything to them and they will take it in the wrong sense and get set for a fight. They never try to understand a straightforward matter in a straightforward way.
In a small village of Kathiawad, an old man was sitting in the village square. A youth was passing by and he asked the old man with a straightforward intent -
"Why, Old Man! Seated, aren't you?” “Ahoy! If you say so, I shall stand up!"
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