I am the Soul
to attain Moksa has awakened. But merely by enroling your name or by becoming a member of some group-community, one does not become a Mumukshu. Those are merely names of various paths. Mumukshuta - the desire to attain Moksa is an internal state which needs to be awakened within. No tag or label can do it for you.
Just as so many of you sitting here may be members of Lions' Club. So there is a Lion prefixed to your name, which is indicative of that organisation. But with the Lion prefix added, do you really become a Lion? Just let us see your Lion-like qualities! Have you become courageous like the Lion? Or are you scared of the dog too? What happens when you are walking down the street and a dog starts running after you? Just ask your self. Where goes the Lion prefix? You will say, "Mahasatiji! We are very timid from within, it is just that we are attached to the Lions' Club and so we get called Lions. Rest is all a farce".
Dear Brothers! Do not feel hurt! But it is the same for the desire to attain Moksa - mumukshuta or for the status of a Jain. One does not become a mumukshu or a Jain by merely joining a sect or community or by simply following their ideology and customs. Mumukhsu is the one in whose soul nothing - no hope, yearning, greed, lust or desire - except the desire for moksa remains, that is to say, one in whom the only desire to attain moksa subsists in the severemost form.
So Brothers! Srimadji says that only the Mumukshu jiva is eligible to attain the paramartha. But Mumukshuta will not arise until the Matarthi-ness goes. And unless Mumukshuta arises, Paramartha cannot be attained.
Hence, pitying such jivas, Srimadji has shown them their faults, and indicated the true path. The jiva who understands will attain the path.
Rest, in good time.
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