I am the Soul
Perhaps occasionally there would be a fleeting good thought. But otherwise only sin and sin. Now the ones who have misunderstood Niscaya Naya say that if papa is a bond then Punya also is a bond. If one is an iron chain, then the other is golden. So thinking, if activities that lead to Punya are all cancelled, then what is left? Papa, or something else? Then do the philosophical scriptures which have asked to give up Punya, call papa as respectable? Oh, Foolish jivas! Try to understand at least a little of what the Bhagwantas who made the scriptures had to say!
They say that, good deeds do lead to Punya bandha, but that is not Dharma. We should not be stuck at punya by mistaking it for Dharma. The difference between Punya and Dharma is to be understood. Punya is asrava. Where there is asrava there will be bandha. Where there is bandha there will be worldly life. Therefore, not misunderstanding Punya as Dharma, it ought to be followed as long as necessary and then given up. So much, at least, should be your faith. Otherwise, the jiva who considers Punya itself as Dharma will perform his good deeds. But since he does not understand the next step of Dharma in the form of samwar, the cycle of the worldly life cannot be avoided. Where there is samwar, there is Dharma. Nirjara is achieved through Samwar and Moksa through Nirjara. This firm belief needs to prevail. Otherwise the jiva continues to perform good deeds several times over and still achieves no fruit, nor does he reach the destination. Punya makes it all convenient to proceed on the path to the destination, but it is samwar or Nirjara Dharma that enables the progress on that path. That can only be achieved through pure thoughts. The pure thoughts which are not aimed at the pure Dharma are like arrows shot without targets.
So Brothers! Punya is essential to give up papa. And to attain Moksa, it is necessary that Punya also goes. But it does not have to be given up, it dissolves naturally. While papa needs to be given up.
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