I am the Soul become aberrated. This affected disposition has to be discarded and the natural disposition has to be nurtured. It if for this purpose that Srimadji has composed this gatha.
Brothers! Of the 142 gathas of 'Atmasiddhi Shastra', all the gathas are very beautiful, contemplative indeed, but there are some which are very touching. This gatha is one of those. So if the jiva repeats this gatha often, he is bound to check his inner self. This does not happen normally. Everything else is checked. At home, in the office, in the society, in the organisations wherever you are attached, you check every thing and every activity, you go deep and check everything threadbare. But this is an invitation to ego and possessiveness. If you continue to do this, you will have to be born over and over again. Possessiveness is not helpful in any way. It may be out of attachment, out of selfishness or out of ego but it is devastating. Hence, stop checking the world and get down to checking your Self.
The world will progress on its worldly way. Whenever whatever has to happen to it will happen. You better look after your self. Of course, carry out all the duties that you can think of with an absolutely selfless attitude. But where even a little selfishness creeps in, or the attitude of feeding the ego arises, give up everything. That is the true understanding. That is also the wisdom. Think over. “Where my soul is getting polluted, where the ego is trying to raise its head, I should not be interested there. I shall give up checking the world, and try to check myself".
This idea of checking has been expressed beautifully in this gatha. As such, out the many gathas in Atmasiddhi, this one I like the most. Brothers! Do repeat it often!
लघु स्वरूप न वृत्तिनु, ग्रह्यं व्रत अभिमान,
T Th 4pfa, star cilichica 41 .....86 How brimming this gatha is with beautiful thoughts! You could not recognise your own self! You could not realise who
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