I am the Soul
Such a person who sacrifices says, “I have excluded everything! Now what is there to give up? I gave up eating and drinking! I gave up a little of entertainment and indulgence!'
But did you give up sinning? Did you ever tell your self 'No more of this sinful attitude! This sinfulness is like a poison. Whether little or more, it is bound to kill the thought of the soul. O Soul! You are experiencing the affected disposition. Free yourself from it and come into your own true form! So long as you continue to experience the results of sins, you are not going to experience the true self nor peace!
But if such a thought arises, won't he become an atmarthi? He wants to remain a matarthi and gloat over the vratas he has performed. As a result that jiva who has fallen for worldly fame cannot achieve the supreme effort - paramartha - T TERTE TEATRA.
What is paramartha? Param-artha - doing something for achieving the supreme goal is a supreme effort. The supreme goal of a jiva is Moksa, hence all the means to achieve Moksa are paramartha. The words of the Sadguru which are a means to Moksa are also paramartha.
In worldly practice the meaning of parmartha would be work that benefits people’. Doing something with mind, body and wealth for the poor and the languishing, for the needy humans or animals is paramartha. But there too people expect general acclaim. A man does it all and at the same time goes around saying, 'I do so much. I offer clothes to the poor, offer them house and food. It is an outlay of so many lakhs annually. People are greatly benefitted.' Brothers! It is a great thing that you work inspired by compassion and pity. It is indeed worth doing. But if the hunger for fame and status rises, all the good is lost. Brothers! Pardon me, but there are many such people who no doubt, do all these things, but at the same time keep those people for whom they have been doing, under their thumbs. Which is the vrtti that
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