I am the Soul “Bapu! Hanuman had a tail, then how come his mother didn't?”
Look Brothers! What a question! Was this the only thing to be absorbed from a great epic like Ramayana? This was like the sieve that strains the flour. It lets out all the flour and holds back only the dirt-like husk. That's it. The Matarthi jiva cannot get a Satsang in spite of coming in contact with a Sadguru. He cannot make the effort of experiencing the truth within him and squanders the gem like opportunity that has come his way. It is like the gem in a crow's nest. What does a crow know about the value of a gem? And whose splendour is it any way?
Brothers! That jiva, on whom the good counsel of achieving something for the soul has prevailed, goes on improving his own ability and keeps searching frantically for such reasons that will light the lamp of his spirit, in the atmosphere of Satsang. That jiva pines for the company of a Sadguru, and if he doesn't find it, rues every moment of it. “Why, oh why, don't I find a Sadguru?” That is the turbulent question that bothers him within. For now, he has developed a keen urge to become a true disciple. Such a jiva will not have an interest left in any other subject. He will go through the mundane activity for the sake of it, he will perform his duties whenever necessary, but within him, he experiences a deep anguish at the separation from his Sadguru. For he knows, ‘Once I meets the Sadguru, his blessings are bound to be showered upon me. He is bound to awaken an introspection in me. Except him there is no other power capable enough to introduce me to my soul. Hence, now I cannot remain without my Sadguru.' A devoted poet says -
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