..... understand this concept!
Only a worthy jiva can devotedly pursue the three-fold path.
In our analysis until now, we have ascertained who is able and who is not, to do or to get to do devoted practice. And hence Srimadji, having differentiaed between a Sadguru and an Asadguru, has explained in clear terms as to how a person accepting humility should be, while one who is humble is bound to offer humility. Having said all this, he now indicates as to who can understand all that he has said. For whom is it meant?
In a broad perspective, it may appear as if the gudiance is for all the beings of the world. The Tirthankar - supreme soul - in his sermon, does not differentiate saying it is meant only for so and so and not for others. The Prabhu's speech is like the rain-fall from the clouds. It falls equal upon all. If it falls on the Mango tree, it also falls on the Neem. If it falls upon the palace of the King, it also falls upon the hut of the poor. If it falls in the flowing river, it also falls in the dirty pond. The free showers of the rain soak everybody.
In the same way, the Prabhu's speech is meant for all jivas and in particular for the poor sinful souls. The infinitely merciful Prabhu radiates his voice for the benefit of all beings. Devas, danavas, humans, animals all have a right upon his voice.
The Prabhu of course, showers his speech equally upon all, but who can receive it? Unless there is the capacity to hold, the speech will not remain. Who can understand this guidance ? So now Srimadji says -
होय मुमुक्षु जीव ते, समजे एह विचार,
Ela taríf sira a, 3fast at frafe .....? Mumukshuta - Hr - is the yearning for Moksa. That one in whom all the internal urges have subsided, all passions are subjugated, who has no interest left in the worldly affairs, who
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