I am the Soul
There are two types of samakit - vyavahar (@dar) and niscaya (FT94). Vyavahar Samakit is the proper faith in the three principles of Arihant Deva, Nirgrantha Guru and the Compassionate Religion delineated by the Kevali. It is said in the Tattvartha Sutra -
तत्त्वार्थश्रद्धानं सम्यग् दर्शनम् । Niscaya samakit is the faith that is the self-experience, the knowledge of the Selfis Guru and application of that knowledge is Religion.
The same idea has been expressed in other words by Shri Sahajanand Swami in his poetry -
सम्यग्दर्शन देव मेरे, गुरू है सम्यग् ज्ञान,
31c4ferat af ATT, HTH Fat4 1 .... What the jiva has to achieve or shall we say realise is Niscaya Samakit which is in the form of Atma, the experiencing of atma and the feeling. All this is the experience of the atma. But before and along with the internal effort that is done to achieve it, there has to be a practical effort too. This practical effort is called the Vyavahar samakit.
First in it, is the interest in order. Unless there is a liking for the order of the Apta Purush, the path cannot be found. As has been said before, the great experienced sages are the Apta Purushas. Kalikal sarvajna Hemachandracharya has said while eulogising Prabhu Mahavir -
श्री वर्धमानं जिनमाप्तमुख्यम् The most important among all Apta Purushas is Shri Vardhamana Jina. That is the great Prabhu Tirthankar. He has experienced with his soul, all the feelings that clearly appear in Kevaljnana. Hence, his speech expresses the supreme true principle. Hence, he is Apta, and if we do not have the opportunity, then those who have realised the self on the
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